Use of Library for Non-Academic or Institutional Events

The Marvin Library Learning Commons' primary purpose is an academic space to meet the learning and teaching needs of the college. Requests to conduct non-academic events, including institutional events, within the building are accommodated in limited cases where the building's academic purpose is unimpeded.

Requests for scheduling non-academic or institutional events within the building must be made through the library director, the associate dean for institutional support services and retention, and/or the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis and factor in anticipated building traffic, other scheduled uses and the nature of the proposed event. The Office of Institutional Events must be contacted to arrange for work orders, security and communication; library and learning centers staff are not available to assist with event details; however, the library director or her designee must be kept informed of event details to ensure that academic mission of the building can continue without disruption.

Approved by Vice President for Academic Affairs and Associate Dean for Instructional Support Services and Retention
June 7, 2017

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